Today is December 26th, the day after Christmas, also known as Boxing Day! It’s a Holiday that originated in the United Kingdom. It originated as a way to show gratitude towards post-men, errand-boys and servants of various kinds for all their hard work throughout the year. Many servants had to serve their employers on Christmas, so the next day is when they were allowed to go and visit their families. They would receive a “Christmas box” from their employers which may have contained; money, gifts or even leftover food to bring home to their families. It’s more commonly known as a banking holiday now and has even become a popular shopping day in the United States as stores mark down all their Holiday merchandise.
I hope everyone had a great holiday yesterday with lots of yummy food and family time. Although Christmas is a very busy and expensive time of the year it’s all worth it when you see your loved ones faces light up over the special gift you, or Santa got them. Christmas is not just about gifts though, it’s about traditions, slowing down and spending time with those you love. We all joke about how fast Christmas comes every year, but it’s true, each year passes faster and faster. So, I look forward to this week and I’m thankful that I get to relax and enjoy the week with my family as our office is closed until the New Year. It helps me slow down, and allows me to continue the tradition of going to Maine and spending time with my family and best friends; skiing, snow shoeing and just enjoy quality time with each other.
Enjoy the rest of your Holiday and Happy New Year! Thank you for keeping up with my blog this year and I’m excited to see what 2019 brings.